Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Hello yet again!
It is crazy to say that we now have 1 week left of this trip. Really though, we have 6 more days of activities coming up, including one free day. This morning I got up a bit later for breakfast because we didn’t have to leave until 9:15am. We made our way down to a pier on the River Thames by taking the tube. We rode on a clipper (a boat) to Greenwich. It was cloudy and quite breezy out today. Luckily, the seats were inside the clipper! We disembarked and headed to The Queen’s House for a tour. The Queen’s House was designed by Inigo Jones as a present for Anne of Denmark—it was an apology from King James I. It now holds many paintings. After a hike up a hill (a STEEP hill) we made it to a cafe for lunch before heading to the Royal Observatory. This was all about astronomy and navigation in relation to longitudinal and latitudinal lines. We all got to straddle the prime meridian! Luckily it wasn’t until the end of our time there that it started to rain, so a group of us hurried off to catch a clipper back. I stopped at Tesco on the way to the hotel for some snacks—with the rain, this meant a chill afternoon for me! Tonight we saw Emilia at the Vaudeville Theatre. I’ve seen posters for this show in tube stations that described the show as “Saturday Night Live meets Shakespeare,” so I’ve been pretty excited for this one! During the show I laughed, I got chills, and at times, I wanted to cry. This show was different than most of the others we’ve seen in many ways, but the best difference was that the actors appeared in the audience throughout the performance and interacted with the audience on occasion! It was an all female cast and honestly so empowering—I really enjoyed this one and I’m looking forward to the last several shows we’ll be seeing in London!

The Queen’s House as seen from
the observatory

Emilia at the Vaudeville Theatre

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie!
    I really enjoyed the Prime Meridian as well and to be honest, I wasn't sure what it was to begin with! My bad definitely. Once I realized what it was I was impressed and was really excited to be there. I did not know it was that close to London! I like your perspective on the show because I was not very impressed with the second half of the show as it lost its humor to me but I am happy you enjoyed it!
