Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Weekend in Spain

Hello everyone! It's Jamie again. This past weekend was absolutely insane and was filled with both wonderful and not so wonderful moments. On Thursday evening, Meghan, Emily, Ashely and I went to Stansted Airport at about 1 am and spent all morning there. Meghan and I had a flight to catch at 6:55 to Spain and Emily and Ashley had an earlier one to catch to Dublin. Spending the night in the airport didn't seem ideal, but we did it as a last minute decision. Bad idea!! The floors were really cold and I couldn't fall asleep, so I was really tire by the time our flight to Spain departed. Then, when we landed in Spain the weather was absolutely awful. It was cloudy, windy and it kept raining on and off. 
Meghan and I checked into the hotel and took a long nap before venturing out into the rain. Some of it was fun, but by the late afternoon my pants and shoes were completely soaked, which put me in a bad mood. Despite the bad weather, we still managed to find some interesting sights to explore, including a 13th century cathedral! 
So, Friday's weather wasn't the greatest, but I still enjoyed being in a new environment. The language barrier was very intimidating at first, but I was able to use a bit of my high school Spanish education to navigate through confusing circumstances. Plus, the people were surprising helpful and willing to work with us even though they didn't necessarily speak a lot of English. 

The next day, Saturday, ended up bein really amazing! It made the terrible weather and sleep deprivation all worth it. Meghan and I slept in really late and then took our time explorin in the afternoon. We got to walk along the ocean, eat ice cream, buy souvenirs, visit The Palace of Magdalena, see a small zoo, and so much more! It was all really amazing. I loved the Saturday in Spain, and I was very excited to get more stamps in my passport! Here are some pictures from Saturday: 
This one is from along the pier! 
This one is from the cliffs on the Peninula Magdalena! 
These are from the Palace! 
These are from the small zoo on the peninsula! I flipped out when I saw the sea lions, they are one of my favorite animals! 
Walking the beach! 

All in all, the weekend was a good one because Saturday's weather was so amazing! I enjoyed being able to travel to another country with a friend for a weekend. It was a total out of body experience! Today was filled with lots of travel and now I am very sleepy, so goodnight Internet! 

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